Contact information

Opening hours


See the opening hours of restaurant Kirsikka:

When the rest of the Market Hall is closed, Kirsikka can be entered though main door A, on the market square side.

Please note vendor-specific opening hours.


Hämeentie 1a
00530 Helsinki

Hakaniemi Market Hall is located by Hakaniemi Market Square. The hall is a short walking distance away from the city centre, but it can also be reached by several different trams, buses and the metro. The nearest parking garage is located under Hakaniemi Market Square.

Check the best route to Hakaniemi Market Hall using the Journey Planner.

Accessible entrance to the Market Hall from the market square side, next to the main entrance. Lift access in the main entrance lobby. Accessible entrance to the Market Hall is also avaiable with the lift from the metro ticket hall.

Hall supervisor

You can reach the hall supervisor during opening hours by calling this number:
+358 (0)40 135 9052

Helsinki City Premises Ltd

Hakaniemi Market Hall is administrated by Helsinki City Premises Ltd.

If you are interested in Hakaniemi Market Hall as a place of business, an event venue, a cooperation partner or as a location in general, do not hesitate to contact us!

Contact us ↗


What delighted you about Hakaniemi Market Hall? What needs further development? Is there anything you would like to tell us? Give us feedback; commend, suggest, criticise or ask!

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